Friday, August 31, 2012

Social Studies, Science and Sarah, OH MY!

What a packed week it has been! The class and I have been so hard at work this week and I am really proud of them.

PE started this week and the kids were thrilled. I am really excited to have the students work with Coach F! Some of them may have also mentioned that teachers are working out with Coach F after school. Many of them have seen us running, doing push ups and working hard to get in shape. I think it is so important for them to see this! In fact, 5 teachers are running the Color Me Rad run this weekend and the kids can't wait to see pictures. I will try my best to post some tomorrow after the run so have them checked back!

We began our unit of study on place value. This week we focused on the different ways you can write numbers –word form, expanded notation, and standard form. Students practiced reading and writing whole numbers through the millions. Next week we’ll be comparing and rounding whole numbers and will begin to look at where decimals fall on the place value chart, as well as how you can compare and round decimals.Our favorite activity was putting the class in order based on the number each student had on an index card. It was great to see them work together to get all 28 of them in the right place!

Language Arts
We started reading Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan. Sarah takes place in the late 1800's so the first thing we did was make a K-W-L chart. Students told me things the knew about that time and things that want to learn about that time. When we are finished with the book we will fill in the things we learned. We have spent a time working on comprehension questions and writing answers in complete sentences. 

Social Studies
I quickly learned this week that Social Studies isn't this class's favorite subject. I hope to change that feeling because not only do we get to study California history, but it is also one of my favorite subjects! Students worked on being able to read a text for information. They also spent time using a glossary to look up vocabulary words.

The class is just starting science and our first focus is on animals and adaptations. I am really trying to figure out how to get a regular time in the science lab so we can do a lot more hands on activities with science. The best way for kids to learn science is to DO IT!

Homework is supposed to take students about 40 minutes a night. They should also read for 20 minutes each night. Of course, some nights there will be more and some there will be less. I am trying to find the right balance but I would love feedback. Parents-- Has homework been too much? Too little?

Next Wednesday is Back to School Night and I am looking forward to seeing you all. As a head's up, I will be out of the classroom on Thursday attending a writing training.  As always, please email me any questions or concerns you might have.

Have a great long weekend!


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