After we had read all about the space program we headed outside to see the fly over. We honestly had no idea what we would be able to see but the plane flew RIGHT OVER our heads! It was truly amazing. I am pretty sure that the teachers were more amazed than the students but I am glad they got to experience it.
Your kids worked so hard today! Please make sure to give them HUGE kudos for their essays. A 5 paragraph essay isn't really a 4th grade standard but because we did so much together I knew they would do well!
We did get some free time with the iPad's as well today. We spent some of our math period playing math games which was really fun for them. Next week we move into Chapter 3 in our math books.
Language Arts this week was really focused on grammar. I found from reading students writing that
we really needed some grammar help. Using "is" and "are" particularly give us trouble so we spent a lot of time talking about that. Next week we will get started with our "Dear Mr. Henshaw" unit. Please make sure to send the book in with your student if you didn't order it from me.
Over the weekend please start looking for a shoebox. We are going to start an at home project in the next week that you will need a shoebox for. If you can't find one, I might be able to find one left over from the Festival.
Finally, please visit the NASA kids website with your children over the weekend. Once you have done that please have them answer the following question by leaving a comment on this blog.
What part of the space shuttle burns for 2 minutes and is then dropped into the ocean?
Booster rockets
Rocket boosters
Rocket Boosters
The rocket boosters.
The rocket boosters.
Lily- my answer is:rocket boosters.
Rocket boosters
Daria - The rocket boosters are dropped into the ocean and then the space shuttle goes off to space.
The rocket boosters and the fuel tank burned for 2 mins. and dropped into the ocean.
The rocket boosters!
The rocket boosters.
The solid rocket boosters burn for about two minutes and then drop into the ocean. The space shuttle heads to space.
the booster rockets
the rocket boosters
The solid rocket boosters.
Michelle W.
The rocket boosters burn for about 2 minutes then drop into the ocean.
what drops into the ocean is a rocket boosters.
Rocket boosters
Rachel xalxo. Rocket boosters.
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