Friday, January 11, 2013

Welcome Back!

It's a new year and with that comes a reNEWed commitment to our blog!

We jumped right in on Monday morning. There is so much that I want to do in the last half of this year so I figured there is no better time to start.

In math this week, we started to tackle double digit multiplication. To say it was tough was a bit of an understatement.  I really enjoyed watching as light bulbs went off and, "I get it now!" rang out through the room. Of course, 2 problems later we were back struggling :-) It's going to take a lot of practice but everyone is ready for the challenge. We made "cheat sheets" to take home so I hope you have seen them.

 We started our science experiment this week. We spent a lot of time talking about procedures, choosing materials and writing our hypothesis. I don't want to give everything away here, but I am sure your student would love to give you some information.

The newest procedure to our classroom is morning journal writing. Each morning when students come there is a topic on the board and we spend 20-30 minutes writing. I also write so that they get a good feel of what good writing looks like. We have a sharing time each day and from that I am pulling topics we need to cover. This week we talked about transitions in writing.  I think everyone is really enjoying it and we have heard a lot of great journal entries this week. Student will bring home their journals next week for you to look at.

It was a really great week, but I know everyone was tired Friday afternoon. Have a restful weekend!


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